enlightenment projects contributing artists
hawah exit with wings
in hands
kiril A poet is merely the channel,
the conduit...
ava I am falling
without composure,
mackenzie: g
brooke: Most of the time we are on pause.
jessica: now you bout to get the green (light)
jason: our own disobedience to
the tree’s own natural death.
said helian: A bright beating alarm
dev atma: Split by a river that
Runs in the winters when
Snow and blood warms.
panda: Springs
swaying tupelo press contributing poets
+favorites Lanette Cadle https://www.facebook.com/llcadleach plant has its plan, its sequence of what must happen, and when. Morgan Eklund https://www.facebook.com/morgan.eklund like the words of another darkness.
Found nowhere in your maps. Henry Finch https://www.facebook.com/henrykfinch I’ve got a brand new dance for kissing darkness. It goes slowly. Jason Gray https://www.facebook.com/jasonmatthewgray cloudwrecks. Dina Hardy https://www.facebook.com/dinahardy.0 Words to live by? ……….morning at the window Joan Leotta https://www.facebook.com/joanleottaMy red hawk will return. Marco Maisto https://www.facebook.com/mmaisto I belong here as much as the ginkgoes do. Matthew Thorburn https://www.facebook.com/mqthorburn Who is it you wait for, shifting
from one foot to the other in the cold?
-panda's friend, ava