favorite lines from poets, day 8 of 30 days of poems, february 8 2015

enlightenment projects contributing artists

hawah exit with wings

in hands

kiril A poet is merely the channel,

the conduit...

ava I am falling

without composure,

mackenzie: g

brooke: Most of the time we are on pause.

jessica: now you bout to get the green (light)

jason: our own disobedience to

the tree’s own natural death.

said helian: A bright beating alarm

dev atma: Split by a river that

Runs in the winters when

Snow and blood warms.

panda: Springs



swaying tupelo press contributing poets

+favorites Lanette Cadle https://www.facebook.com/llcadleach plant has its plan, its sequence of what must happen, and when. Morgan Eklund https://www.facebook.com/morgan.eklund like the words of another darkness.

Found nowhere in your maps. Henry Finch https://www.facebook.com/henrykfinch I’ve got a brand new dance for kissing darkness. It goes slowly. Jason Gray https://www.facebook.com/jasonmatthewgray cloudwrecks. Dina Hardy https://www.facebook.com/dinahardy.0 Words to live by? ……….morning at the window Joan Leotta https://www.facebook.com/joanleottaMy red hawk will return. Marco Maisto https://www.facebook.com/mmaisto I belong here as much as the ginkgoes do. Matthew Thorburn https://www.facebook.com/mqthorburn Who is it you wait for, shifting

from one foot to the other in the cold?

-panda's friend, ava

favorite lines from day #5, feb 15, 2015 - 30 poems in 30 days

contributing artists at the enlightenment project

+favorite lines from our contributing artists today

dev atma: Repeat Until your only Wish is to repeat

jason: Get a stick and draw the way you want the river to go.

jessica Honey in my cheeks So potent and sweet

brooke: "Press Play."

mackenzie: e

ava: the hush-speak of god in the form of clouds

hawah sit, sit, sit

give, give, give,

from tupelo press 30/30 poets

Lanette Cadle https://www.facebook.com/llcadleI figure it’s had its lightning strike so everything would be fine, Morgan Eklund https://www.facebook.com/morgan.eklundwomen of forests. Henry Finch https://www.facebook.com/henrykfinchThe fish continues flailing, Streaked with moonlight, thudding percussion against the rain. Jason Gray https://www.facebook.com/jasonmatthewgray The wind’s clean sweep. Dina Hardy https://www.facebook.com/dinahardy.0The friar’s hands, folds under floating cloak. Joan Leotta https://www.facebook.com/joanleottaWhat waves may come. Matthew Thorburn https://www.facebook.com/mqthorburn Your heart is the size of a fist, he tells him.

panda's friend, ava --

favorite lines submitted february 3-4, day 4 of 30 days of poems

contributing artists from the enlightenment project

panda: portrait of the artist as a young panda, Pandas as property owners – maybe the dream fairy had mistaken my daydreams of bamboo forest with some city-dwelling human. I was once told that everyone is your dream was a part of you. dev atma: Their glimmering revolutions and, These words are not Written but collected said helian: To the lake Awake! Awake!, Is cannibalizing It's own heart, A bright beating alarm jason: This traincar, this overnight dash — bullets of sea water, Here you take it, it’s all I have left jessica: it’s gniyzzid keeping up with you, love was the color that sung the eyes brooke: Lapis lazuli, Azure, Ocean eyes. Can you see, Holy holy holy bowing 9 times mackenzie: poetry is letters too

tupelo press poets

+favorite lines! Lanette Cadle​ Will we pin adventure firmly to the page? Morgan Eklund​ The mad moon recalls your story. Henry Finch​At the end of every field theory there is a field. Initiations never manifest. Have you ever? Jason Gray​ The hum in the background was me. Dina Hardy​ Sometimes the world is read wrong. Like, writing on the ocean, as much erasure, too. Joan Leotta​ Most of the time I floated Marco Maisto​ draw me skinnier on Sunday Matthew Thorburn​ If you want to eat sweet corn, I can’t wait to tell my son someday, you have to eat it like a typewriter,

+panda's friend, ava

favorite lines from poems submitted today from day 2 of 30 poems

contributing artists at the enlightenment project

Panda-The leaves are my favorite part. A strong Panda, like myself, needs all the protein he can get. Devatma Singh-Infused with the loving Gaze you gave it On first sight? Said Helian -We are singed Everyday Jessica Crowi know you, you know me we’re quite the same Brooke Hamre Gillespie vindaloo vinny begins his 40 day sadhana Mackenzie Wyatt- "B"

tupelo press poets

Matthew Thorburn https://www.facebook.com/mqthorburn- Yes, a woman was singing somewhere and his lips parted too, though he did not know the words. Marco Maisto https://www.facebook.com/mmaisto in praise of emerging surfaces, ocean atlas Dina Hardy https://www.facebook.com/dinahardy.0 Urgency is not in this dictionary. Jason Gray https://www.facebook.com/jasonmatthewgray We keep calling Space an ocean. Henry Finch https://www.facebook.com/henrykfincha vending machine that dispenses window sun for pocket change. How long have you been here? Lanette Cadle https://www.facebook.com/llcadle The sun is in motion, its dark spots build flares, and he does love those moments, those movements that are art selected

-- * panda's friend, ava*